Topical subjects in your content strategy?

Every day we celebrate something or someone. From nurses to mothers, from press freedom to the environment, from International Pizza Day to Kiss A Ginger Day; you name it, there’s a day to celebrate it. But do you, as a brand, have to think of a post around all of these theme days?

It can be tempting to build your content calendar around a lengthy list of official and unofficial holidays. So-called topical content can serve as a guide when creating your content strategy, but try to avoid overkill. As a company you should only use topical content that is relevant to your brand. As a florist you can give a flower to your customers on Client’s Day, but the International Press Freedom Day is much less relevant. Writing a post about Kiss A Ginger Day is funny, but doesn’t add value to your brand. Unless, of course, you sell hair products for redheads.


Even official holidays, such as Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, are not always useful for a brand. Forgive our somewhat traditional point of view, but as a DIY store, Mother’s Day is not the most important day of the year, while Father’s Day is. And not every target group is interested in a post about the start of spring, unless you are a gardening store.

Moreover, many topical subjects differ per country or even per region. Mother’s Day is not celebrated on the same day in all countries; in Belgium it even differs per region (Antwerp citizens are notoriously proud of their Mother’s Day in August). Sometimes the exact dates of ‘The International Day of …’ vary from year to year, while other celebrations fall on the same date every year. As always, research is key!

So never lose sight of your own brand. Limit yourself to topical content that has a clear link to your product or brand. The ideal content strategy is tailored to your target group.

A few more remarkable days to end with:
January 13th 2020: National Sticker Day
January 15th 2020: National Hat Day
February 5th 2020: World Nutella Day
June 21st 2020: Selfie Day
August 3rd 2020: Watermelon Day
August 16th 2020: Wave at the Surveillance Cameras Day